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Committees of the Board

Audit Committee

Mr. Dinesh Kumar Lal Chairperson
Non-Executive, Independent Director
Mr. Nilesh Shivji Vikamsey Member
Non-Executive, Independent Director
Mr. Kaiwan Dossabhoy Kalyaniwalla Member
Non-Executive Director
Mrs. Hetal Madhukant Gandhi Member
Non-Executive Director
Nomination & Remuneration Committee

Mr. Dinesh Kumar Lal Chairman
Non-Executive, Independent Director
Mr. Kaiwan Dossabhoy Kalyaniwalla Member
Non-Executive Director
Mrs. Vinita Dang Mohoni Member
Non-Executive, Independent Director
Stakeholders Relationship Committee
Mrs. Vinita Dang Mohoni Chairperson
Non-Executive, Independent Director
Mr. Dinesh Kumal Lal Member
Non-Executive Director
Mr. Kaiwan Dossabhoy Kalyaniwalla Member
Non-Executive, Nominee Director
Corporate Social Responsibility Committee
Mr. Kaiwan Dossabhoy Kalyaniwalla Chairman
Non-Executive Director
Mr. Dinesh Kumar Lal Member
Non-Executive, Independent Director
Mrs. Vinita Dang Mohoni Member
Non-Executive, Independent Director

Risk Management Committee
Mr. Nilesh Shivji Vikamsey Chairman
Non-Executive, Independent Director
Mr. Kaiwan Dossabhoy Kalyaniwalla Member
Non-Executive, Non-Independent Director
Mr. Pirojshaw Aspi Sarkari Member
Chief Executive Officer

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